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Reviews: 4
Category: Music
The chord progression appears at the top of the main page, random chords at the bottom. The blank tile shows where chords added to the progression will go. Tap any chord to play it.
Select a random chord to add it to the progression. The lighter a random chord's color(s), the more notes it has in common with the chord(s) next to the blank tile.
Select the blank tile to specify chords to add to the progression.
Select progression chords to switch to notes view and to duplicate, transpose and remove them. The lighter a progression chord's color, the more notes it has in common with the chord before it.
Drag progression chords and the blank tile to rearrange them.
Refresh the random chords, access the random chord filters, switch between using sharps and flats, transpose everything, start new progressions and open and save progressions from the app bar.
If any scale types are selected in the scale filter, random chords can only be chords built from the defined scales.
Random chords can only be of the types selected in the chord type filter.
Using the Share charm you can share chord progressions to other apps in a text format that can be copied and pasted into the blank tile's Specify tool.


Quickly get musical ideas and inspiration, and easily create, play, modify and experiment with chord progressions.

  • Easily create, play, modify and experiment with chord progressions.
  • Quickly get musical ideas and inspiration with access to random chords.
  • Restrict the random chords to certain scales and chord types with filters.
  • See the similarity between chords by the lightness of their colors.
  • View chord notes.
  • Save, open and share progressions.
Release date: 2013-11-18
Last update: 2022-03-13