Dicom Viewer
Dicom Viewer $9.35
Rating (2.5)
Reviews: 3
Category: Medical
Dicom Viewer
Dicom Viewer
Dicom Viewer


Would you like a comfortable and practical DICOM viewer on your Tablet? DICOM for Medical Images is not just a simple reader, but it contains the following features:

  • Open DICOM medical images (extension .dcm) from external storage or url.
  • Displacement and zoom.
  • Possibility of using different filters for brightness, contrast, negative mode and other powerful features.
  • Length measurements: You can draw lines, rectangles, circles and outlines freehand.
  • Export the image in PNG and PDF.
  • Write down comments, save your notes on your smartphone into separate folders, share them, and when you want, open them for editing.
  • Export in html DICOM image informations.
  • Functions of undo and redo respectively to undo or redo the commands that you've enabled to manipulate the image.
Product ID: XPDNJB33SPLJ40
Release date: Invalid DateTime
Last update: 0001-01-01