All the Unicode

All the Unicode

All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode
All the Unicode

App details

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Utilities & tools

About All the Unicode

Overview of all available Unicode characters, including Emojis. Convert selected characters to a required format (for developers) or copy characters to the clipboard. Navigate from the overview of all Unicode ranges to the characters. In more than 54,000 characters, find the desired one by entering a search word.
Use an overview to look at text samples in all fonts.
All Emojis are clearly divided into categories.
Various information about the fonts can be viewed.
Which characters can be displayed depends on the installed fonts.
Designed for PC & Tablet.

Key features

  • Overview of all characters
  • Overview of all installed fonts with any sample text
  • Overview of all Emojis
  • Overview of all Unicode character ranges
  • Copying of characters, sample text and emojis in various formats (XAML, HTML, CSS, C#, Javascript, C++, decimal and others)
  • General font information and typography
  • Search for characters, emoji, HTML entity, Segoe MDL2 Assets characters
  • Navigation to and for more character details