1040.com Income Tax Filing App
1040.com Income Tax Filing App
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Category: Personal finance
1040.com Income Tax Filing App
1040.com Income Tax Filing App
1040.com Income Tax Filing App
1040.com Income Tax Filing App


Taxes don’t have to be a headache. We’ve gotten our process down to a science, with an easy step-by-step interview, state return integration and guaranteed accuracy. Let’s walk through it, shall we?

  1. Start With Our Easy Interview

Answer some simple questions and we’ll use that info to get all the credits and deductions you qualify for. You can bounce between filing your taxes on any of your devices - cell phone, laptop, tablet, you name it - and we’ve made transitioning between devices a seamless process tailored to your lifestyle.

  1. Move On To Your State Taxes (If You Have Them)

The information from your interview automatically transfers to your state return, so you don’t have to answer the same questions twice. When finished, you’ll e-file your state return with your federal in one seamless process.

  1. Review and e-File

We’ll run diagnostics to make sure you get your maximum refund and our lowest price. Give your information a final glance, submit your return, and relax. Your refund is on the way!
It doesn’t end with our streamlined process and guarantees, though. For every return filed with 1040.com, we donate $2 to Healing Waters International to help end the global water crisis, even if you file your taxes for free. You file, we give. It’s that simple.

  • Easy to follow, step by step interview
  • Automatic transfer of federal data to state return
  • For every return filed with 1040.com, we donate $2 to Healing Waters International to provide clean water to those in need
Product ID: 9NLPWDPL233V
Release date: 2018-09-07
Last update: 2019-02-01