8051 Disassembler under win10
8051 Disassembler under win10
Rating (5)
Reviews: 1
Category: Utilities & tools
The screen of operate
"main" program screenshot from other EDIT software
"function" program screenshot from other EDIT software
"HEX file after compile " program screenshot_2 from other EDIT software
"HEX file after compile " program screenshot_2 from other EDIT software
The difference_1 of the two output files
The difference_2 of the two output files
The difference_3 of the two output files


It provides you a tool to disassemble your HEX file or BIN file to Assembly files. It can execute under windows environment. You do not have to use DOS.It will generate two files.One disassemble the part of the code which is for sure is a statement. And leave the code that maybe is TABLE data as DEFINE BYTE. TABLE will cause errors because TABLE is not an instruction but they are not distinguished with normal code in the HEX file.And it is always that you do not know where is TABLE and where is CODE in that HEX file.This tool will analyze the HEX file structure and predict which part is TABLE. The success rate of identifying over ninety percent. It is one of the best disassemblers.The other file tries to disassembler all the code for reference. The max ROM size can be disassembly is 64K bytes. If you have any feedback. Please email -larry2917 @hotmail.com-.

Product ID: 9NMG4123ZGQ9
Release date: 2018-02-11
Last update: 2022-03-12