8th Ball
8th Ball
Rating (2)
Reviews: 1
Category: Entertainment
Think your question and then shake to get your answer!
Write your question and then post it along your answer on Facebook(**)
Published ! (**)


“Will I win the lottery?”
“Will she marry me ?”
“Is the world going to end tomorrow ?”

Think about your question and then whisper it to the 8th Ball, shake it(*) or tap it with a finger and it will give your answer ;)


Swipe with your finger from the top of your tablet (or right click with your mouse) to reveal Facebook integration menu. Login with your personal account, write your question in the field and then click on “Publish”: in just a moment your question along with the new answer will be published on your timeline.

  • Think about your question and get an answer !
  • [Optional] Share your questions and your answers on Facebook(**)
Release date: 2013-10-08
Last update: 2019-02-02