Annuity Planner
Annuity Planner
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Category: Personal finance
Calculates monthly cost of annuity based upon your desired monthly income and how long you will be paying.  Graph shows payment and benefits over a lifetime.
Data table depicting payments and benefits from your annuity over a lifetime.


Calculates the cost of an annuity based upon the monthly payment you desire and how long you will be paying on it. Gives you a nice graph to illustrate your payments as well as the benefit payments you will receive. The application also gives you a data table that calculates your payments and benefits year to year over your lifetime.

  • Annuity Cost per year
  • Graphical output of yearly costs and benefits
  • Data table of yearly costs and benefits
Product ID: 9PLTS311RC5H
Release date: 2022-04-12
Last update: 2022-04-12