Any Equation Solver
Any Equation Solver
Rating (3.5)
Reviews: 3
Category: Education
Obtain all real solutions and graph the equation in few clicks!
Evaluate easily an integral interval and get the answer with one click!
Interact easily with the app!
Choose a specific solution interval to found specific solutions.
Switch to polynomial mode easily!
Graph and get the derivative and integral equation of the polynomial.
Integrate an specific interval of the polynomial and get the answer immediately!
Solve big and complex polynomials in few clicks!
Any Equation Solver


This is the first app that allow to write any equation and find all real solutions, also a graph will be displayed to study better the equation, no matter the difficulty of the equation.
The app provides an integral evaluator which shades the integral interval area and shows the answer.
The app provides 2 ways to solve an equation, if you have a polynome you can use the polynome option, otherwise you use the general equation feature.
You only need to write the equation and in few clicks you will have all the real answers, also you can select a manual interval to find a specific solution for the equation.
The app is designed to use “x” as variable.

  • First app which allow users to introduce an equation and solve with one click.
  • Solve any equation you want.
  • Graph the equation!
  • Integrate the function!
  • Obtain maximums and minimums of polynomials.
  • Solve equations in just few clicks!
Release date: 2014-06-12
Last update: 2020-11-01