Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Rating (3.5)
Reviews: 13
Category: Sports
Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Apex Visual
Display live telemetry and coaching as you race


Apex Visual is an companion application for the Formula 1 game series by Codemasters. View live telemetry while driving like speed, gear, and tyre wear, receive live driving coaching, and analyze your telemetry after the race to become a better driver. Apex Visual is compatible with F1 2021, F1 2020, and F1 2019 for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

Live Telemetry Demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXCVyBSPjJQ
Race Director Demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cinvuKEO5OY

  • live telemetry
  • udp
  • dashboard display
  • driving analysis
  • cloud storage
  • formula 1 telemetry analysis
  • session storage
  • cloud session storage
  • driving coaching
Product ID: 9P5BLJV6W9B5
Release date: 2020-08-22
Last update: 2022-05-22