APPA Bingo Caller
APPA Bingo Caller Free
Rating (3.6)
Reviews: 9
Category: Entertainment
Play Bingo with APPA Bingo Caller
Shows numbers called, time game in play, and the total numbers called
Click on 'House' when someone calls
APPA Bingo Caller caters for 'false' calls of 'House'
Choose between a 90 ball and a 75 ball game.
About APPA Bingo Caller


Call your games of Bingo using the APPA Bingo Caller. The caller caters for games with 75 or 90 balls. It keeps a record of all balls drawn, and the order in which they are drawn. The draw is randomised, and allows for ‘false calls’ of house.

  • Call your Bingo games with APPA Bingo Caller
  • Play Bingo with 75 or 90 Balls
Release date: 2013-03-11
Last update: 2019-01-29