Rating (2.9)
Reviews: 7
Category: Productivity


Nobody’s saying you have too many apps. You like your apps: the flashlight, the barcode scanner, the one that tells you where the bus is–and, yes, that game with the birds, definitely. But you have to admit that your applications screen has gotten kind of crowded, lately.

Apps Manager helps you to clean up that cluttered Android through a system of labels and shortcuts. First, you can sort each of your installed apps using one or more labels in Apps Manager. Preset labels include Android, Games, Internet, Multimedia, Tools, and Other Apps, but you can easily add your own labels, or delete unwanted ones. A long tap on the label in Apps Manager will create a corresponding shortcut on your Android’s home screen containing further shortcuts to each of the apps you have associated with that label. Ultimately, you may get down to five or six label shortcuts on your home screen and stop diving into the applications pages altogether.

  • Associate one or more labels with each of your Android applications
  • Create label shortcuts on Android home containing shortcuts to associated apps
  • Launch or uninstall applications from Apps Manager
Product ID: XPFG2802VF9PRL
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01