Beer Rating
Beer Rating
Rating (3.5)
Reviews: 2
Category: Food & dining
Overview of all your ratings, and their details.
Register core information: beer, brewery, and date.
Lookup a beer from the BreweryDB Open Source database.
Appearance Panel: describe how the beer looks like.
Aroma Panel: describe the nose of the beer.
Flavor Panel: describe the taste.
Palate Panel: describe texture and finish.
Share to any target that accepts text or HTML.
Don't forget the application bar.


The Beer Rating app helps you to create, save, and share your personal beer tasting notes. It collects all the required information in an easy straightforward way, and turns this information into a professional text that you can share as text or HTML.

Product ID: 9WZDNCRDG66P
Release date: 2013-08-02
Last update: 2019-02-01