BK Morse Code
BK Morse Code
Rating (3.7)
Reviews: 3
Category: Education
Basic Functioning - 
You can bring in whatever text you would like to practice, select which characters you want to practice, select the speed, and play the code.
Learn Morse Code Characters - 
With the learning module, you learn each Morse Code character.
Load any text - 
You can load any text to practice, including the practice text from ARRL.
The program comes standard with some initial text to start you off.
Choose from several selections of text
Load any text - 
You can load any text to practice, including the practice text from ARRL.
The program comes standard with some initial text to start you off.


A comprehensive training system for learning Morse Code. Learn the characters at full speed, then practice with the included text, or any text of your own.
Learn the sounds of the characters, and words, rather than just the dashes and dots.

  • Includes Learning Mode for learning the characters
  • Adjust the Words-Per-Minute transmission speed, increasing as you become more proficient
  • Character can run at a faster rate than the overall speed, so you learn the characters as sounds, rather than dots and dashes
  • Download the code practice that is transmitted on the ARRL station W1AW
  • Use the included text, or enter your own
  • Configure many settings to enable practicing just what you are needing
Product ID: 9NKZPV30X546
Release date: 2019-07-09
Last update: 2022-03-11