Business planning tools, articles and live advice by an entrepreneur
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Business planning tools, articles and live advice by an entrepreneur, and ability to interact within a community of other entrepreneurs.
The app helps you plan and think through various aspects of your business, whether it is a brick and mortar business or a web start-up company.
In addition to the tools, an experienced entrepreneur will help you with your questions and planning via the app. The app is structured so that you can ask direct business questions or begin planning various aspects of your start-up. The app takes you through topics like marketing, your target users, monetization, business model creation, understanding how to raise venture capital and other types of funds for your venture, and more.
The app also provides tips and tutorials for creating a business and thinking through every aspect of it as an experienced entrepreneur would.
The app was made to help through the planning phases of new businesses to help the entrepreneur encounter fewer pitfalls and begin with a stronger strategy.
Get help from a personal business and executive coach.
- Added references to other apps which deal with the topics of business ideas, raising money via loans, grants, donations or investment.
- Added extra suggestions for start-up marketing.