Buy. Cook. Eat.
Buy. Cook. Eat.
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Category: Food & dining


Have you ever had problems trying to decide what to prepare for dinner? How about that time you forgot to buy that single item you needed for a recipe you’ve been wanting to try for a while? Or have you ever bought food that you never end up using? If you have, then this app is for you!

Made for anyone who has stepped foot in a kitchen from time to time (or even if that’s where you practically live), even if it is just to make some mac and cheese.

Functional and Simple

  • record what you currently have in your kitchen
  • list out what you need to buy at the supermarket
  • search for recipes based on what you have (or don’t)
  • add ingredients from recipes to your shopping list

tldr; This is your personal assistant for the kitchen, who NEVER talks back, doesn’t ask for overtime, and actually likes you.

  • - record what you currently have in your kitchen
  • - list out what you need to buy at the supermarket
  • - search for recipes based on what you have (or don't)
  • - add ingredients from recipes to your shopping list
  • - share shopping lists with anyone
Product ID: XP9C89XSF8S45X
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01