Manage your finances quickly and easily without needing a paper ledger. Balance all of your bank accounts at the touch of a finger on your Android powered phone or tablet! Checkbook Pro offers one convenient place for all your accounts, snapshots of balances, and outstanding payments. Get rid of your paper ledgers and add all of your checking, savings, credit, investment and misc accounts in Checkbook Pro. Enter account transfers, withdraws, payments, credits, debits, fees and more with ease! Save yourself countless hours of tedious balancing with Molovi Software’s Checkbook Pro!
Checkbook Pro is the ONLY financial application available for Android that actually LOOKS just like your paper register! The familiar format, combined with a rich set of powerful features will make you wonder how you ever lived without Checkbook Pro and how you ever survived with paper ledgers!
Checkbook Pro is an app you can use in place of a paper checkbook, and makes it incredibly simple to manage your finances. One thing most people never leave home without is their smartphone. Now you’ll have all of your financial information in your pocket! Enter your purchases the moment you make them and never again have to deal with the headaches of chasing down unknown charges. Avoid costly bank overdraft fees by putting the power in your hands! Even the online bank statements lag when posting transactions–sometimes causing you to believe you have more money than you do which leads to bounced checks and overdraft fees. Put an end to it today, and keep that money in your pocket with Checkbook Pro!
Checkbook Pro provides a very powerful set of filterable reports, allowing you to see exactly where your money is going in order to fine-tune your budgets.
If you’re looking for a Pocket Quicken alternative, this is the app for you!
Key Features:
- Ledger looks just like the paper register that you’re used to.
- Customizable Categories
- Color-Coded Accounts and Transaction Categories
- Unlimited Accounts
- Recurring Transactions
- View detailed bill & account statements
- Powerful Reporting Engine
- Data backup/restore
- CSV/Excel Export
- Password Lock
- Enjoy financial freedom and peace of mind.
We believe that a product is only as good as the service behind it. We strive to provide not only the best personal finance app on the Android Market, but also the best customer service. If you have ANY issues, questions, concerns, suggestions or feedback PLEASE do not hesitate to email us at our support address listed. You don’t need to rate us low/give negative feedback to get our attention. We respond to ALL emails extremely quickly and will do whatever we can to help you. Leaving a 1-star rating does nothing and helps no one. Emailing us allows us to figure out what the issue is and respond to you. Which we will ALWAYS do!