Clear Keyboard
Clear Keyboard
Rating (4.5)
Reviews: 2
Category: Productivity
Clear Keyboard
Clear Keyboard
Clear Keyboard


A text editor and sticky notes app with “clear keyboard”. It is not a system keyboard replacement.

Clear Keyboard includes a simple text editor with a built-in keyboard. The keyboard occupies the entire Window area of the app on mobile devices, and it is semi-transparent (hence “clear keyboard”). Currently, the keyboard includes more than 60 keys and it facilitates easy and fast typing, especially on small screen devices like Windows 10 phones. As you type characters, the input text is inserted into the textbox area displayed below the lucid keyboard.

The typed text can be saved or exported to a file, or copied to the system clipboard, etc. It can also be saved as a sticky note in the app. Currently, there is 1000 character limit for each sticky note.

As of the current release, the clear keyboard editor part of the Clear Keyboard app only supports English, and it has rather limited editing functionalities. You can only append text at the end (and, delete chacraters from the end, using Backspace). The primary purpose of Clear Keyboard is to type a short text quickly (e.g., to send it as a text message). Although it is released as a universal app (both on desktop/tablets and on phones), the app will be primarily useful on small screen devices.

Note that the app includes in-app advertisements, including overlay banner ads, which requires Internet access. All ads can be dismissed using the Close button.

  • Full-screen soft keyboard for faster typing.
  • Includes English alphabets and numbers and symbols.
  • Text can be saved, exported, or otherwise shared with other apps.
  • Text can be saved as a sticky note.
  • Sticky notes can be pinned to a start screen.
  • Recently viewed sticky notes can be accessed from Action Center.
Product ID: 9NBLGGH4Q8FJ
Release date: 2016-03-05
Last update: 2019-01-31