Corporate BS Generator
Corporate BS Generator
Rating (4.5)
Reviews: 16
Category: Entertainment
Share BS phrases with other apps via the Windows 8 Share charm
Copy BS phrases to your clipboard
Swipe or click through thousands of corporate BS phrases


Have you ever sat through a corporate presentation and been dazzled by fancy buzzword-filled phrases? Have you ever wished that you were capable of effortlessly making normal, typical and common-sense things sound slick, hip, modern and cool? The Corporate BS Generator can help you get ahead in an industry where spin, buzzwords and vagueness reign supreme.

Swipe or click your way through randomly generated Corporate BS and impress your executives at your next meeting. Your BS will sound so good that they’ll just nod enthusiastically even though they have no idea what your plan to “compellingly target future-proof synergy” actually means!

  • Swipe or click through thousands of randomly generated BS phrases
  • Copy the phrases to your clipboard
  • Share the phrases using the Windows 8 Share charm
Product ID: 9WZDNCRDCG17
Release date: 2012-10-02
Last update: 2019-02-01