Credit Optimal
Credit Optimal
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Category: Personal finance
Credit Optimal


Hello there! Thank you for checking out my app and website. I’m Robert Ferry, a professional credit guru, and finance expert.

After hitting several dead ends in trying to manage my credit, I enrolled a couple of online credit-training platforms.

I aim to stretch to as many people as possible and explain the best practices most easily, giving them actionable pieces of advice for maximum efficacy.

In an attempt to extend my ideas far out the globe, my ideas have been published extensively in many reputable online platforms like:
• Business insider
• HuffPost
• Reader’s digest
• Medium
• Quora
• Fox News

Well, my pieces of advice might sound counterintuitive since I’ve been on the same page as you are today. After a couple of poor financial decisions that jeopardized my credit score, there seemed to be no solution entirely.
Years after graduating from college, I started a knowledge center to help others who have been on the same page with me.

From being denied loans to incurring higher interest rates, I had to pay heavily and suffer for having a poor credit score. After investing so much of my time studying and learning the mechanisms of credit work, I made a significant breakthrough in my credit score.

Having gone through this awful phase and experienced the relief that comes with the transition, it dawned on me how the education out there is of very little significance.

Although I figured out on my own how to pay my outstanding credit balances and to get everything right, I realized there was a need for a collation of helpful resources and information to help anyone whose financial life is hanging in the balance.

Please be advised that we are neither a credit repair agency nor an affiliate company, but what we offer is candid, factual, unbiased, and proven guides that help you repair bad credit.

Our income
Our critical success factor is people, purpose then profit. We are convinced, beyond any doubt, that giving our readers valuable content is the most effective way to empower them.

This ideology of “readers first” dictates and contributes a great deal in how we make money.

Our income comes from advertisements from associates with whom we’ve made agreements to aid in better decision making by people. Before advertising their products and services, we conduct proper feasibility checks, and if you enroll for a service through our platform, we stand a chance of earning commissions from some of our associates.

Product ID: 9PFWDB0NLRL7
Release date: 2020-10-09
Last update: 2022-03-11