When was your last credit check?
Your credit score is being checked every time you apply for a credit card, mortgage or even a phone hookup. The interest rates you pay on your loans are directly affected by this important number, even apartment applications or job requests are affected.
A credit score is a statistical method that determines the likelihood of you will pay back the money you borrowed.
Your credit score should be carefully handled and credit check should be done periodically.
Some of you may be a bit threatened by bureaucracy, forms, reports and numbers – don’t worry, we will help you!
We will show you how easy it is to get done, we will teach you the terms you need to know and even help you with a credit repair if needed.
You will learn about the credit bureaus that issue these scores, the different evaluation systems, each based on different factors (you may have heard of some of them like FICO score, VantageScore CE score and others), we will show you a comparison of free credit report tools that you can use, you will understand how you can improve your score, especially in case you need a credit repair (some of the credit repair tips can have an almost immediate effect on your credit score)
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