Your credit score has a huge impact on your future, but you probably don’t know enough about it. Tips and steps you’ll learn and valuable knowledge that you’ll acquire here may be a life saver in the future.
If you feel a bit threatened by the bureaucracy, forms, reports and numbers – don’t worry, we will help you. We’ve created this 6-lesson mini-course, trying to give you the most important information and knowledge in short, easy to read lessons.
Knowing your way around credit score rating, credit bureaus (such as transunion, equifax, Experian), credit freeze and credit reports will affect many aspects of your life. Insurance, housing, and employment can be denied due to low rating score.
Taking the time to go through our free mini-course, you will learn what is a credit score and credit report rating, how is it calculated, what is the role of credit bureaus and what are they looking at. You will understand what is credit freeze and how should you use it to your advantage, learn about credit monitoring and why is it important. Get to know many free tools that are available to you, that you can use once you know they exist. Learn about Equifax, Transunion, Experian ,credit karma, free annual report tools and more. We will also show you how your score can be improved and what steps should you take to fix your credit score.
Use the app Notebook system to write notes about what you have learned.
Use the app scheduler to learn the lessons on your own time and pace.
Feel free to contact us for any problem.
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