Currency Calculator
Currency Calculator
Rating (1.9)
Reviews: 16
Category: Business
This is the main screen, start by selecting 2 currencies.
This is the currency list view, just select and hit OK or double tap a currency. You can also search by text.
Once selected both currencies, tap on the Sync button and put an amount.
You can set converters as your favorites by clicking the Favorite button and they will add themselves.
Modify your favorite converters as you like, re-order them, remove them, pin them, etc.
When you perform a long tap or right click, this shows a context menu that allows you to pin/unpin the converter or remove them. There's also an icon for pinned converters.
This is how you see your pinned converters, they always show the current Rate.
This is the settings page where you can set how the app behaves.


Currency Calculator is a multi-platform app that allows its users to convert from 150 different currencies, covering currencies of the whole globe in an easy and friendly way, as well as update all the currency rates in an single tap.


-Favorite Converters-
Additionally, you can create a favorite converter. This converter allows you to quickly use it anytime. You can also pin these to the start menu to quickly use it from outside of the app and see relevant information in the start menu.

-Automatic Updates-
Take advantage of the Automatic Updates feature that allows all the converters to update, aswell as all the live tiles and even notify you through a toast notification if you want to. You can also set to automatic updates each amount of hours or days.

  • Convert over 150 currency rates
  • Choose your most used rates as favorites to easily use them at any time
  • Update all the rates automaticaly at the frequency you want
  • Pin your favorite rates to the start menu to get up to date rates
Product ID: 9NBLGGH0N8CS
Release date: 2013-09-03
Last update: 2021-05-06