Deal Discount Calculator
Deal Discount Calculator
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Category: Shopping


Best deal discount calculator app.
Calculate discounted price of sale items and compare discounts easily.
Shop latest Amazon discounted deals from within the app.

Get the best features of deal discount calculation and price comparison. You no longer have to do the math yourself. Did you ever wonder which deal was better - a dozen bananas for $2.99 or 6 bananas for $1.49? Let our app do the math for you and show you the better deal.

Help us help you save money!

  • Calculate exact cost from discount % of item
  • Compare prices of various quantities of the same item (E.g. Which is a better deal - a dozen bananas for $2.99 or 6 bananas for $1.49?)
  • Shop latest Amazon discounted deals
Product ID: XP8CB9B0XQ2JG4
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01