Doctor Who?
Doctor Who? $1.99
Rating (3.8)
Reviews: 22
Category: Entertainment
Beautiful Windows 8.1 desing
All the latest news
Doctors, Companions, Aliens
And the TARDIS, of course
Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and K9
Guide to all TV stories of Whoniverse
And you can even watch some of them
Dozens of wallpapers designed for your device


The best Doctor Who app for Windows Phone finally comes to Windows 8!
With this app you will know what’s happening in the Whoniverse, get beautiful wallpapers, read about your favourite characters and even watch episodes.

It’s a British TV show about a humanoid alien with two hearts who travels in space and time with his companions in a TARDIS, a big blue box which is bigger on the inside.

This app requires strong and fast internet connection to play episodes and update info. None of your private data is either used by the app or uploaded elsewhere.

  • Live Tiles
  • Watch episodes
  • Latest news
  • Lots of wallpapers
  • Characters bio
Product ID: 9WZDNCRDMK65
Release date: 2013-03-11
Last update: 2020-10-19