dYnO blAcK crYsTaL
dYnO blAcK crYsTaL
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Category: Entertainment
Opening screen of the black crystal
Black crystal divination.
Menu system to the other methods included.
The Rune method in progress.
Yes/No method resultant.
The Iching before the coin toss ready for action.
The Iching performing the simulated coin toss, when stopped will produce a bottom line, repeated six times, will produce two trigrams and one full hexagram.
The Iching, after all six coin toss simulations are performed, resultant. In this case, there are two moving broken lines and one moving solid line that produce added meanings to the full hexagram overview meaning.


The dYnO blAcK crYsTaL has a crystal ball method, rune method, iching coin method and the tarot yes/no method using 78 cards (Full Deck Major and Minor Arcana). Use this app if you have questions about the future and events that are on your mind. This app can give you insights on important issues you may be facing or just trivial head’s up on different everyday aspects of your life and those around you or closest to your life.

  • Uses a menu system, with 4 different divination methods to use. All have comprehensive meanings to each divination, rune lines, or card(s) according to the method used.
Product ID: 9NZWFWRH2MS5
Release date: 2018-03-21
Last update: 2022-09-15