dYnO zoDiAc taRoT
dYnO zoDiAc taRoT
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Before the reading waiting for the significator selection.
Choosing gender for the significator selection.
Choosing hair color (Blond, element, water in this case corresponding to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) for the significator.
Choosing age bracket (Determines whether you are a page, boy or girl. Knight, young adult male. Queen, young or mature adult female. King mature adult male.) for the significator.
Shows the significatior chosen for the selections made. In this case King of Cups, a mature adult male, cups pertaining to water correlating to water zodiac signs and/or blond hair.
Reading in progress depicting the significator in the center. Ergo the reading is about the person that card represents, chosen by the user of this app.


dYnO zoDiAc tarot features the Zodiac spread for this app release. This app uses 78 cards (Full Deck Major and Minor Arcana). Use this app if you have questions about the future and events that are on your mind.

The Zodiac Spread is a comprehensive layout. It uses a 12 card layout, whereby each card has an astrological influence from the 12 zodiac signs. The predicted events can be intense and deep requiring some study. To save a reading, merely take a screen shot.

This app also added the significator selection to pick a card representation of your self, or if you want to read for someone else. The hair color defines the choice, but if you prefer, wands (Red) represent fire signs in the zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Cups (Blond) represent water signs in the zodiac (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Swords (Brown) represent air signs in the zodiac (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). Finally, Pentacles or coins (Black) represent earth signs in the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Both Hair color or zodiac methodologies are widely practiced in the Tarot. Generally, why is the hair color more so used? Because of the simple fact of etiquette. It is not polite to ask for birth dates from a client (privacy), nor is it proper to ask an acquaintance’s astrological sign. The reader must cast an ambience of mystique and knowledge.

  • Significator selection, time and date stamp, full deck and definitions.
Product ID: 9MW63T9NQG17
Release date: 2018-02-22
Last update: 2022-09-19