Rating (2.9)
Reviews: 28
Category: Personal finance
The main screen of the application on which you can see the current status of your budget, and add a new expense/income category.
You can track overall income and expenses of current month by category.
You can track overall income and expenses of any family member by category.
You can track overall income and expenses for any month by family members and by category.
You can see money flow charts by month.
You can view your overall expenses and income.
Enter the password and the keyword to join your family, save your data in the cloud and restore it in case of device loss or replacement.
Adding new income and expense categories is extremely easy.
Settings are completely user-friendly


Our app allows you to:
Track personal and family expenses.
View expense and income history by month, category and family members.
Track overall family budget.
Store data in a cloud and get access from different devices.
Recover data in case of device loss or replacement.

  • You can track overall income and expenses of current month by category.
  • You can track overall income and expences of any family member by category.
  • You can track overall income and expences for any month by family members and by category.
  • Enter the password and the keyword to join your family, save your data in the cloud and restore it in case of device loss or replacement.
  • Adding new income and expence categories is extremely easy.
Product ID: 9NBLGGH0DH0T
Release date: 2015-02-11
Last update: 2020-10-18