Gestione Entrate
Gestione Entrate
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Category: Personal finance
Gestione Entrate
Gestione Entrate
Gestione Entrate


App to have knowledge about your cash flow in a simple way!
Add the incomes received, your direct tax payments and the initial and final bilances of your bank account on yearly basis.
The app will tell you how much your net income is, the tax % on your gross income and will provide an estimation of your savings or over spent amounts.

  • Register the paid invoices payslips or other incomes
  • Register your tax payments and the initial-final balances of your bank account
  • Will provide cash flow statistics useful to manage your money wisely!
Product ID: 9NBLGGH4R4R3
Release date: 2016-03-12
Last update: 2022-03-11