Hourly Pay
Hourly Pay
Rating (2.9)
Reviews: 8
Category: Personal finance
Main Page - Calendar and input section for work hours
App bar with buttons to move calendar to today, export data or clear all data.
Options to set hourly rates for weekdays and weekends differently, or same if you like.


Use our free tool to keep track of the hours and auto calculate payments for nanny, household workers, kids, or other employees. You can set different rates for weekdays vs. weekends. Other features may be added in the future. Please provide feedbacks to us.

Hope it’s useful to you.

  • work hour calendar, time card, hourly rate, nanny payment calculator, household employee payment
  • data can be exported as text file for record keeping.
Product ID: 9WZDNCRFJ52W
Release date: 2013-12-30
Last update: 2019-02-01