I-Ching oracles
I-Ching oracles
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What is the I-Ching
The 64 hexagrams
Simulation of a draw with 3 coins
Manual draw
Details of one of the 64 hexagrams.
Interpretation of a manual play
Old oracles.
The result: 2 hexagrams.
I-Ching oracles


In the West, we are rightly very proud of our rational thinking and argue that any behavior outside of this path is doomed to failure and is the conduct of madmen!

However, it suffices for us to observe our own life faithfully to realize that this way of being is not always crowned with success and that, often, hazards or accidents that we could not have foreseen in any way lead us to fail or an undesirable situation.

Knowing this, the masters of I-Ching enjoy to explain to us that the method of divination can just as easily lead us to success if we know how to stand back from our desires and our projects and espacially hear the given advice. Incidentally, we can discover the impenetrable ways of hazard (which is part of oriental wisdom).

The YI-KING is both a “divinatory art” and a “book on wisdom”. The Taoist philosophers who conceived it and formulated its sentences dominated the culture of the east during the millennium which precedes the Christian era. But it was not until the 17th century that various translations made it known in the West.

Starting from the first principles of Taoism, the opposition / complementarity of “Yin” (“receptive, passive, feminine”) and “Yang” (“creative, active, masculine”), the inventors of Yi-King designed the figure which systematically combines all the possibilities of these two basic principles: it is the “hexagram”, combination of “two trigrams of 3 lines”, in total, 6 lines Yin or Yang. The developed octave of the two principles is therefore available in “64 possible hexagrams” which represent all of the possible archetypal situations, each consisting of two trigrams among the 8 possible.

“Treaty of mutations”, the I-Ching offers a catalog of changes that usually affect life, people and their relationships. In addition to the sixty-four simplified transitions described by the 64 hexagrams, it depicts the 384 transformations which affect in positive or negative the evolution of beings and situations.

The elliptical language of the I-Ching, which is poetic but also sometime impenetrable, opens the mind of the consultant to “new truths”.

“This version offers you the interpretation of an oracle which can be drawn according to the Chinese tradition or according to the fun way proposed by the application”.

At any time you can acquire interpretations of additional oracles via the Microsoft Store.

  • Manual play of I-Ching
  • Automatic simulation of the drawing of the Hexagram
  • History of I-Ching
  • Presentation and meaning of the 64 hexagrams
  • Presentation and meaning of the 8 trigrams
  • Oracles history backup
  • Management of personal notes attached to each oracle.
Product ID: 9NW5ZK7BVFW5
Release date: 2020-06-05
Last update: 2022-08-05