Jazz Banners
Jazz Banners
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Category: Entertainment
Add a photo to the background for your banner.
Background colors may include solid or gradient colors.
Edit the banner with colors.
Edit the banner with photos and audio.
Tag your banners.
Review a list of photos and audio (voice/music) used in your banners.
Print the definition of your banner.
Edit the settings to set your defaults.
The start screen is ready for your first banner. Just enter text and click the Play button.


Jazz Banners is a fun program used to create banners and display them on your Windows 8 PC.

  • edit and save multiple banners
  • tag each banner for easy retrieval
  • display each banner quickly and easily
  • define defaults for banners
    Jazz Banners help you to define your favorite banner and keep it handy for displaying.
    Choose the font size and speed to make it easy for users to read your message.
  • Use a photo for the background
  • Use voice over or add music
  • Scrolling text across the screen
  • Add photos and voice/music to the show
  • easy to create banners
  • tag banners for easy retrieval
Release date: 2013-09-18
Last update: 2019-01-29