Keep Calm
Keep Calm
Rating (3.9)
Reviews: 23
Category: Entertainment
Home screen, where new posters can be created and previously created ones edited and shared
Edit poster
Select icon to edit poster
Edit background colour
Settings view
Edit text for your personalised poster
In support of our favourite website, The Chive


‘Keep Calm’ rewrites the rules for creating dazzling new customised versions of the much-loved propaganda posters. Even though the design is a real classic, now’s your chance to give it your own unique twist with over 100 hundred icons and words. So you can chop the crown, rewrite the line and change the background. You could even create your very own customised “Keep Calm and Chive On” poster. It’s your poster, your rules!

Keep Calm and customise the poster from top to bottom. Come up with your own slogan, completely redesign with exclusive icons and colour effects. Once you have chosen your own fantastic design, you can save it, set it as wallpaper and share it with your friends. Every time you save or share a picture, the App’s live tile will update with your chosen icon and background.

So you’re all set to recreate your own hugely popular morale boosting version of the poster created by the British government during World War II. There’s no limit to what you can create and share with your friends so once you start you’ll keep coming back for more and more!

  • Choose your own icon & slogan
  • Pick a background colour
  • Choose various text colours and effects
  • Share with friends
  • Live tile customised when a picture is saved or shared
Product ID: 9WZDNCRDR21L
Release date: 2012-10-12
Last update: 2021-04-15