Rating (4.1)
Reviews: 22
Category: Education


I love TTMIK! It’s a great resource for all of us out there trying to wrap our heads around the Korean language and culture.

While I was a student at the Defense Language Institute learning Korean I used the lessons found on TTMIK to help augment my study. Quite frankly I would not have been able to make it without the extra help.

The problem I had was that when I was not near my laptop I found it hard to keep up with TTMIK. So long story short I sat down and made this iPhone app as way to help out anyone and everyone who was trying to learn Korean.

No fancy graphics or lasers that jump out at you from the screen (I figured that most of us don’t go to TTMIK to see jaw dropping George Lucas style movie effects) This app is just a simple way to follow along with TTMIK while you are on the go.

  • Learn Korean.
  • Easy to follow videos and lessons.
Product ID: XP8LC5KNS1X2W0
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01