Lightning Meter
Lightning Meter
Rating (2.2)
Reviews: 4
Category: Entertainment
Identifica la tua posizione sulla mappa
Mostra il raggio entro il quale il fulmine è caduto.
L'elenco delle misurazioni permette di sapere se il temporale si avvicina o si allontana


Have you ever wondered where the lightning will fell you’ve seen?
Want to know if the storm you see in the distance is approaching or moving away?
Are you looking for a fun way to pass the fear of lightning in your son?
This is the app for you!
Press the “Lightning” when you see the lightning and press the “Thunder” when you hear the thunder, the application will tell how far away the lightning fell, and you will see on the map.

Product ID: 9WZDNCRDHK37
Release date: 2013-01-10
Last update: 2022-03-12