Keep up to date with daily stock market moves! Use Market’s Up to easily check market direction during market hours. The app places an up (green) or down (red) arrow in the notification area while the stock market is open, weekdays 9:30AM-4PM ET. When the app is open, the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq market indices value and price change is shown as well as a chart of the current day’s price movement. The app also has a convenient news reader with daily market coverage from Reuters.
The Market’s Up notification provides a simple way to get index performance without having to open other apps such as Google or Yahoo Finance. In fact, you can see how the market is doing without even unlocking the phone as the notification will be readily visible from the unlock screen. No need to flip over to CNBC every few minutes, Market’s Up keeps you constantly up to date.
A lot of effort went into this app for battery conservation. Though it may show up in a task killer, it is only checking the markets every 15 minutes during market hours. The notification update is configurable through the settings.