Rating (5)
Reviews: 3
Category: Education
After you choose a level from the home screen. This is what you get. It gives you the option to choose an arithmetic operator.
This is the first screen that you see when you open the app.
This is a screen shot of the user typing in the answer
When you answer a question a correctly, the text turns green and you get a random but appropriate message of congratulations.
In the case you get an answer wrong, the answer and the appropriate message turn red and you are encouraged to try again.


It is a learning application just for kids. It gives simple basic arithmetic questions and a place for the user to write the answer and submit. The user can select between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and the applicaton will give questions based on that choice only.

  • Mathematics Learning Tool for Kids Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
  • Basic Arithmetic Operations Education Teaching Tool
Product ID: 9WZDNCRDJ02V
Release date: 2013-06-19
Last update: 2019-02-03