Rating (5)
Reviews: 1
Category: Entertainment


  1. Allows users to browse and discover movies and TV shows to watch.
  2. Add movies and TV shows to your watch list and mark them as your favorites.
  3. Lists of top rated, most popular and upcoming movies.
  4. Lists of top rated, most popular and on the air tv shows.
  5. Lists of most popular actors and their movie and TV show credits.
  6. Images of movies, tv shows and actors.
  7. Image Stills of each episode of a tv show.
  8. Information about cast and crew of a particular movie and TV show.
  9. Get detailed information for movies or tv shows like synopsis, cover, runtime, budget, production companies, genres etc.
  10. Get the primary information about a TV season by its season number.
  11. Get the primary information about a TV episode by combination of a season and episode number.
  12. Search for movies, TV shows and actors by title.
  13. Discover movies and TV shows by different types of data like average rating, number of votes, genres, release dates and air dates with customized sorting.
  14. This app uses the TMDb API to pull information on movies including media files such as movie posters.
    The usage of the TMDB API is as per TMDb Terms of Use( use?language=en). The about page of the application includes the required attribution.
  • Allows users to browse and discover movies and TV shows to watch.
  • Lists of top rated, most popular and upcoming movies and tv shows.
  • Lists of most popular actors and their movie and TV show credits.
  • Discover movies and TV shows by different types of data like average rating, number of votes, genres, release dates and air dates with customized sorting.
  • Get detailed information for movies or tv shows like synopsis, cover, runtime, budget, production companies, genres etc.
Product ID: XP88W0M4HLP6B4
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01