MovieSom PWA
MovieSom PWA
Rating (5)
Reviews: 2
Category: Entertainment
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Keep track of your personal collection
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Search for trailers and watch them
Keep track of your personal statistics


MovieSom is your own personal movie database. Add films to your watchlist so you don’t forget about them later on. Or recommend a film or TV series to your friends. Ever lost a DVD because you couldn’t remember who borrowed it from you? Loved or hated a movie? Take a note and never forget again. MovieSom keeps track of your entire collection and more. Much more. Like your personal statistics: how many times have you watched a movie and how much time have you spent watching movies altogether? Check it out, if you dare…

MovieSom is multi-platform. It’s even available as website so you can view, edit and take your personal settings anywhere you want.

  • Look up movie/Tv series information
  • Give or receive movie recommendations
  • Keep track of all movies and Tv series you've watched and how often
  • See how much time you've spend watching movies/Tv series
  • Remember to watch movies by adding them to your watchlist
  • Keep track of all the movies you own
  • Watch trailers of your favorite movies/Tv series
Product ID: 9NK1SNWRM8ZT
Release date: 2018-06-01
Last update: 2022-03-12