My Expenditures
My Expenditures
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Reviews: 1
Category: Personal finance
My Expenditures
My Expenditures
My Expenditures
My Expenditures
My Expenditures


My Expenditures is an application which provides a simple and unique approach to the problem of managing your expenses and incomes. And Optimizing your way of spending your money. Also, by analyzing your expenses and incomes, it will provide statistics on how you spend your money, what you gain or spend the most money on. All these statistics are made available by the application on different criteria which you are free to select (like getting statistics on a given period, or for a given budget). Also, you can get alerted each time you spend your money above a threshold which you determine per budget.

  • Keeps track of your expenses and incomes
  • Keeps track of the budgets you planned
  • Permits you to create your spending categories
  • Alerts you when you cross a spending threshold which you set yourself per budget.
  • Provides detailed statistics of how you spend your money
  • Permits you to have statistics based on certain criteria like statistics about a single budget or statistics for a given period of time.
  • Permits you to chose you currencies and preferences out of a long list of currencies
Product ID: 9NS3KV8RGC8R
Release date: 2018-07-24
Last update: 2022-03-11