My Passwords
My Passwords
Rating (3)
Reviews: 5
Category: Productivity


Are you tired of remembering multiple passwords or are you fed up of forgetting them?
“My Passwords” is the application which will help you to save all your passwords easily and safely. T he only thing you have to do is to remember only one password. “My Passwords” is a secure application which does not require internet permission.
you just remember only one password of " My Password" and the application handles the rest. The only thing you must know is that this is a paid application, which means that the user has to pay to download the application, Because there are no adds in the application, which means the user will not irritated by the ads showing. Now you can save your passwords safely in “My Passwords”. Moreover there is a benefit for the users in the app which is the security of their passwords.Your passwords will not only be secure from the others but will not even share with the developer of this app nor shared with any third parties. Everything is kept in your own phone.
Another benefit of this app is that this app has no access with the internet which which is the plus point of the app. You can safely use this app without internet access.

  • Saves unlimited password entries
  • Does not require any permissions to store passwords
Product ID: XP8C746X37B38G
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01