Rating (5)
Reviews: 3
Category: Productivity
Craft amazing and complex stories
Stay Organized
Visualize Connections
Visualize Connections
Choose A Theme That Fits You


Oddisy is a tool which serves as a way for worldbuilders to organize their ideas and make it easier to add new facets to your world. Oddisy helps you keep track of all the little details for every part of your world with its Entry system, where everything from Worlds to Characters to Items can be catalogued and detailed. Additionally, Entries can link together, allowing you to see and manage the connections between everything in your world.

  • Organize all of your Characters, Locations, Items, etc.
  • Detail out everything about your world in an easy-to-use Database
  • Link everything together with visual connections between all of your entries using the High Level View
  • Utilize the built-in Tab system to quickly swap between ideas
Product ID: 9NZ8RFCB0P5L
Release date: 2022-07-29
Last update: 2023-01-31