Payoff or Refi Mortgage Analyzer
Payoff or Refi Mortgage Analyzer
Rating (5)
Reviews: 1
Category: Personal finance
Current Mortgage Calculation
Pmt and Home value graphics
Refi Calculator
Payoff current mortgageg
Change Payment on current mortgage
Change loan years on current mortgage to show new payment
Amortization table shows all changes due to refinance or modification to current mortgage


It is a difficult decision of whether to keep your current mortgage and pay off early or pay to refinance your mortgage. “Payoff or Refi” will not only calculate the payment (PITI) of a current or new mortgage but also specifies what the break even years would be to refinance. It also calculates what the payment would be to pay off your current mortgage in a set number of years or what the reduction of loan years would be to increase your payment. The tool also tracks your home equity. Amortization graphs and tables provided.

  • Refinance Analyzer
  • Current Mortgage Analyzer
  • Amortization Table
  • Payment (PITI) graph
  • Equity Graph
Product ID: 9P0MQ7Q07MB9
Release date: 2020-06-23
Last update: 2022-04-08