PDF DocPro Scanner
PDF DocPro Scanner
Rating (1.8)
Reviews: 5
Category: Productivity
PDF DocPro Scanner


  • Trial is fully functional but expires after one day *
    Use your flatbed or feeder scanner to scan directly to an Adobe PDF file.
    Professional options not found in standard app:
  1. Scan multiple page PDFs using just a normal flatbed scanner
  2. Set compression options for optimizing either quality or file size per page
  3. Select location and file name on disk
  4. Restrict to standard page sizes like A4, US Letter or use actual document size
  5. Set PDF document metadata like keywords and subject
  6. Privacy: no internet connection made, developed in Germany, having strict privacy laws
Product ID: 9N560CF5KT02
Release date: 2017-05-04
Last update: 2022-03-11