Rating (3.5)
Reviews: 3
Category: Personal finance
Penny A Day in Landscape display mode.
Penny A Day in Portrait display mode.
Penny A Day in Filled display mode.
Penny A Day in Snapped display mode.
Penny A Day in Filled display mode. With App Bar visible.


An app that calculates and display the amount of money you could potentially save using time value of money via easy-to-read charts. Simply set the number of years you wish to save for, enter a daily saved amount and intended rate of interest and you’re all set! Users can also save the adjusted settings to a CSV file and/or share it with their friends.

  • Calculates the total amount you save, with compound interest
  • Allows user to export the output locally into a comma-separated values (csv) file
  • Allow share contract for users to share the output with their friends in csv file format
  • Custom-made graphs that display bar charts to users to allow better visualisation
  • Exported CSV file consists of compound savings after every year
Product ID: 9WZDNCRDCJ06
Release date: 2012-10-19
Last update: 2019-02-01