Piggy Bank
Personal finance
Don’t know how to save money? Trying to save money and fail each time? Have big plans, dreams and wishes for house, car, trip or other important item? Or maybe just have a kid and want to teach the value of money?
Try the Piggy Bank app!
Piggy Bank is a simple money savings app that allows setting savings goal and tracking progress to achieving it. Simple means you just enter amounts saved and spent, and that is it.
How to use it?
- Select currency in which you are saving
- Enter name for savings goal (for example “new computer”)
- Enter amount that you need to save for your dream
- When you add money to savings - log the saving
- When you take and spend money from savings - log the expense
- App will take care of the rest
May you savings goals are successfully completed and expenses managed in a best possible way with the Piggy Bank app!
From EnL
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