Recipe Convert Paid
Recipe Convert Paid
Rating (4.5)
Reviews: 2
Category: Food & dining


Recipe unit conversion calculator: Convert volume & weight measurements in recipes. Makes scaling servings yields up or down easy for cooks, bakers, & chefs at home or the restaurant


  • Values can be entered and displayed as either fractions or decimals

  • Makes the coveted “grams to cups” conversion, as well as other weight/volume conversions, based on user-selectable weight factor parameter: includes common 180 quick-searchable ingredients with factors already figured.

  • Quick switch between converting units of measure to scaling yields (changing how many servings a recipe makes)

  • Also serves as a general reference of cooking units

Paid version includes features not available in the free version. By all means download and test drive the free version first!

  • * Values can be entered and displayed as either fractions or decimals
  • * Makes the coveted "grams to cups" conversion, as well as other weight/volume conversions, based on user-selectable weight factor parameter: includes common 180 quick-searchable ingredients with factors already figured.
  • * Quick switch between converting units of measure to scaling yields (changing how many servings a recipe makes)
  • * Also serves as a general reference of cooking units
Product ID: XPDCD6X11GRR62
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01