Rhino Player
Rhino Player
Rating (1.1)
Reviews: 13
Category: Photo & video
Rhino Player
Rhino Player
Rhino Player
Rhino Player
Rhino Player
Rhino Player
Rhino Player


Rhino Player is a powerful, feature filled media player application for Windows 10, play all your favourite audio and video content in a variety of ways such as streaming or from a file without having to ever leave the app.

Check out some other great features of Rhino Player such as media collation which collates all your video and audio content on your device into one convenient list, this saves the hassle of searching your folder directories for content.

Stream HLS & DASH content, stream audio from your personal One Drive, Google Drive or Dropbox cloud storage.

Cast media to another connected device or enjoy your favorite music playing in the background while you multitask across other apps.

Supports video formats:
avi, mp4, mpg4, m4v, mp4v, mpg, flv, f4v, avc, avchd, mts, mkv, 3gp, dvr, trp, 3gpp, m2p, m2ts, asf, 3gp2, 3g2, m2j, mj2, wm, 4xm, gif, gxf, 264, 265, h261, h265, hevc, hnm, image2, image2pipe,
ingenient, ivf, jv, lmlm4, matroska, mjpeg, mjpg, mpegts, mpegtsraw, mpegvideo, mtv, mxf, mxg, nuv, pva, rgb, rm, smjpeg, swf, vc1, divx, xvid, webm, y4m, yuv, yop, mov, mpeg, wmv, vob,
m2t, ismv, ogg, qt, dvd, smjpg, h263, h264, qcif, yuv4mpegpipe, viv, vivo, anm, rawvideo, dshow, ipod, libnut, mpeg2video, mpeg1video, mpjpeg, ts, wtv, rpl, vcd, svcd

Supports audio formats:
mp3, 3ga, cda, aa, m4a, wave, au, mp4a, m4p, aac, caf, midi, ogg, ac3, rma, qcp, m4b, m4r, amr, snd, aif, aifc, adt, adts, ec3, aa3, act, adf, adx, aea, al, alaw, ans, apc, ape, avr, brstm, cdata, cdg, dts, ea, eac3, f32be,
f32le, f64be, flac, g722, g723_1, g729, gsm, iff, ilbc, ircam, latm, m2a, mmf, mpa, mpc, mpc8, mpegts, mulaw, nist, oma, omgpaf, rmj, s16be, s16le, s24be, s24le, s32be,
s32le, s8, u16be, u16le, u24be, u32be, u32le, u8, sb, sbg, shn, sox, spdif, sph, sw, truehd, tta, ub, ul, uw, voc, vqf, vql, w64, wsaud, wv, xa, xwma, acm, wav, wma, au,
aiff, wm, afc, apl, dtshd, f64le, idf, mlp, u24le, sf, tak, wsvqa, nistsphere, bit, daud, iss, loas

Get the Advanced Codec Addon for formats such as:
bik, bk2, bmv, c93, cavsvideo, cdxl, dnxhd, dsicin, idcin, dxa, film_cpk, filmstrip, flic, ipmovie, roq, thp, vmd, wc3movie, mvl, trec, bin, dirac, smk, nsv, xmv, a64, iv8, mm, null, psp, psxstr, bfi, bethsoftvid

Get the CCTV Addon for formats such as:
dv, dv4, vvf, mod, bu, 60d, nc, r3d, vfwcap

  • DASH & HLS Streaming
  • Cloud Services Integration
  • Background Music Playback
  • Wide Media File Support
Product ID: 9NBLGGH4P0ZN
Release date: 2017-03-01
Last update: 2022-03-08