RPGenius: Character Sheets
RPGenius: Character Sheets
Rating (3.4)
Reviews: 2
Category: Productivity


RPGenius lets you create and manage your own customised character sheets for tabletop (pen and paper) role playing games.
It allows you to define your own layout and game rules. No more inflexible software that produces the perfect character sheet until your gaming group deviates from core published rules.

  • Define Stats; either basic numeric values or calculated using a formula
  • Define Effects, to toggle equipment/buffs/debuffs
  • Define Stat Groups, to apply effects en masse and auto-create tables
  • Create a matrix of two stat groups to auto-calculate Attribute/skill totals and the like. Display it as a grid or a pair of drop downs and include a modifier for all results (such as a wound penalty) if you like.
  • Make temporary adjustments and reset them later, e.g. lose hit points then reset when healed
  • Save your own templates for your preferred game system/house rules and re-use them later
  • Customise the look and feel of the character sheet by using changing fonts and colour schemes
  • Add images from your device to show character portraits, system logos, etc
  • Include links to websites, direct on the character sheet
  • Share your character sheet by email, and import on another device just by clicking the attachment

The app ships with character sheet templates for DnD 3.5, Pathfinder, Star Wars D20, Vampire, Call of Cthulhu and Savage Worlds. The app allows you to create your own so it really can be used for any game system including homebrew/house rules.

On the website at https://sites.google.com/site/rpgeniusapp/ there is an Excel workbook you can use to quickly generate your own templates, to save having to type the names of all the stats on your Android device.

Feedback welcome by email.

  • Define Stats; either basic numeric values or calculated using a formula
  • Define Effects, to toggle equipment/buffs/debuffs
  • Make temporary adjustments and reset them later, e.g. lose hit points then reset when healed
  • Customise the look and feel of the character sheet by using changing fonts and colour schemes
  • Save your own templates for your preferred game system/house rules and re-use them later
Product ID: XP99R4Q8SXC9W2
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01