Secret Ring Decoder
Secret Ring Decoder
Rating (5)
Reviews: 2
Category: Entertainment
A simple cipher disk that can be rotated to offset the letter/number pairings
Enter a keyword to scramble the numbers (give this word to your friend)


A throwback to the old radio programs, this cipher disk is a fun way to introduce children to encryption, ciphers, and secret codes that can be used to send hidden messages to one another. By introducing entropy in the form of a keyword, and rotating the rings of the disk relative to one another, a unique code cipher can be generated that only people who know these parameters can decode. Note: This app does not actually send or receive messages, nor does it encode or decode messages - it is a visual tool only.

  • Rotating rings to shift the substitution
  • Entry of a keyword to introduce entropy
Product ID: 9WZDNCRCS534
Release date: 2014-10-31
Last update: 2019-01-29