Series Nerds
Series Nerds
Rating (2.7)
Reviews: 3
Category: Entertainment
Discover popular, trending and anticipated TV Shows!
In the collection view you can monitor your progress with full sorting and filtering capabilities.
Check the summary of your favorite TV Shows!
The calendar: Never miss an episode again!
The watchlist will tell you how many episodes are left to catch up!
Get the details of every episode!
The huge database allows you to find almost every show.


Do you love TV Shows? Would you describe yourself as a series nerd?

If so, you need a tool, you need Series Nerds. The app helps you to keep track of your favorite TV Shows by monitoring your progress. It also provides filtering and sorting capabilities to stay organised at all times. In fact, you will never miss a TV Show again, assuming you use the calendar of the app.

Backed by the huge database of, Series Nerds tells you which shows are trending, popular and anticipated, judged by thousands of active users. You are going to enjoy it!

Many features will be added in the future, e.g.

  • In-app purchase to remove ads and to add premium features
  • sync
  • Notifications
  • Update data in the background
  • Various visual enhancements
  • Dashboard with statistics
  • Discover popular, trending and anticipated TV Shows
  • Keep track of favorite TV Shows
  • Monitor your progress
  • Calendar
  • Episode Queue
  • Search for TV Shows
Product ID: 9NBLGGH4TT9G
Release date: 2016-08-08
Last update: 2019-01-31